So, some folks, I am not saying who (Twig) were not real happy with my last post. Although they do display that particular picture framed in their house, but I guess it is a whole different thing when your sis displays it to the world at large. But - I have no regrets. As a matter of fact, I have another to share......ha ha! Now this is Twig and I on her first birthday - isn't she cute? I used to tell people she was a boy...I was MEAN! As I looked at this picture it struck me how much Rylee and I look alike. I was about the age Rylee is now in this picture. Also, because I can't resist, and this post is titled 'Up to no good'.....

playing Wii on the couch does make it better!
I was totally gonna say that Rylee looks just like you and then you said that - weird. Really - it could be her!
too funny!!! payback is fun!
Love the pictures - old and new!
Being the older sister can be lots of fun! Take it from me.
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