Why do I let myself be enabled? This is a question that I need to ponder - seriously! On second thought...never mind. I stopped by 2 different Joann's this week for the 40% off sale of goodies that Meredith so kindly showed me that she had purchased. Here is what came home with me....stupid store! At least I am actually creating some layouts so it will be put to good use. The Life is Good and The Sweet Life stuff is super super super super cute. I will let you take a guess at who the drama queen is around here......and not smart
alacks it is not me.
oh no....cupcake stuff!!! I love cupcakes!...I must make a trip to my J's tomororw - and it's all your fault - {LOL}
It's evil I tell you, just evil!! LOL
You have what I have.....the scrapbook SICKNESS!! lol. I can never pass up a good deal!
love your background... cute!!!
Your title made me laugh, you got some cute goodies. I may have to go shopping now. :) Your blog background is really cute.
cupcake stuff makes me want to eat cupcakes. :)
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