I just completed a layout about Rylee's favorite pre-k teacher, Ms. Brenda. When we moved Rylee to Children's Palace at 18 months it was the hardest decision that we had ever made (before that she was watched at The Daycare which is family owned - but that didn't work out so well for a time, what with all of the fighting, name calling,and anger. We have since made up - but it wasn't pretty for a good chunk of time.). She and I cried that first day that I left her there. But it did not take her long to rule the school! She was in a class of mostly boys, and she ran those boys from day one. She made up different names to call them - she does this, can't explain why - and the teachers all doted on her. Rylee and Ms. Brenda had a special bond from the beginning. She is an awesome lady! I cried Rylee's last day there - I was so sad to leave Ms. Brenda. So here is a layout so that Rylee can always remember her. I have to give a shout out to DebbiT at Two Peas who inspired me to dig out my This-and-That frames and put them to good use. Of course, I blinged this layout up - I even used my sequin ribbon that everyone laughed at me for at the last layout club......don't worry, I won't be offended when you all run out and get you a whole bunch after seeing it on my layout...but I will laugh!
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