I will spare you all of the lovely details- but it was not my best morning. The school was a mad house, I had to go back home for something that turns out I didn't need, Shannon was a brat, and Rylee's worst case scenario came true. The bane of her kindergarten existence -
Nicholas - was in her class this morning. She was not happy. When he walked in, my oh so subtle husband shouts in his loudest whisper 'Isn't that that Nicholas kid over there?'. A little louder - his grandma didn't hear you. Ugh. The real icing on the cake is that
Nicholas and Rylee share locker/cubby space. At least someone was looking out for her and didn't put him at the same desk grouping as her. Here are our 2nd grade pictures....

Here are a few at school......

This last one is what would be referred as giving you 'stink eye'. It is the look from h.e.doublehockeysticks.
Although I said I wouldn't bore you with all of the details I just want to share that after my hectic morning running to the school in my lovely kitten heels I had worked up a waterfall of sweat by the time we left the school and reached the truck. What does my husband do? The man that sweats profusely - ALL THE TIME - a man who does not go a minute without the ac cranked? Did you guess? Yep - when we got in the car he proceeded to TURN OFF THE AC and roll his window down for some
fresh air. He's lucky to be alive - lucky that he didn't drown in all of the sweat pouring off me - lucky that I did not murder him this morning.