For Rylee's bday this year Shannon insisted on getting her a Nintendo DS. I thought that this was a mistake, as she has never played the vsmile game system that we bought her for Christmas 2 years ago. But he insisted that she would love it. He was so right, for once. She loves that pink game-she even added some bling to the front of it. That's my girly girl. She is a pac-man expert, she even tried to tell me how to play, hello we had Atari back in the day, I am familiar. Now it is on like Donkey Kone (a Ryleeism).

Pac-Man is a great game. I can not get my mom to put down her Nintendo DS and Brain Age 2's Virus Buster. I can not believe how far they have in even the last few years. I keep threatening to hide it on her.
Thank you for the kind words about the necklaces. If you were local I would work with you. You can do it. You are very creative. I learned by trial and error.
Welcome to the evil world of DS. My kids are total addicts. It does make for a great bribe tool...clean your room and you can earn some more ds time. I so thought I would never be "that" mom
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