Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thursday Night Lights...

Yep, it was Thursday, and of course I was at the Freshman football game to watch Maddie cheer. I sat through 1 1/2 games - it seemed to go on and on forever. Maddie of course did a great job cheering! I know I have said it before- but the best part was RyRy got the run of the place and wasn't harassing me!

Sachel spent the evening talking to Cody. They are just 'friends', but they used to go out, and well she was looking at him with some serious goo-goo eyes. Yuck! It was great fun messing with Chewie though. He is not real happy with them being 'friends'. They were sitting behind us in the stands, and I would tell him they were making out and crack up laughing watching him freak out as he turned around. Then they disappeared, and he went looking for them. It was greatness.

Bertha apparently spent the evening digging in the dirt and proudly showed off her treasures. Gross - I don't do dirt, ever!

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