So last Friday night was the Red Oak Homecoming. *Side case I forgot to mention, and you are wondering who are these young kids. Grady, Sachel, Maddie, Monkey Boy, and Bertha are Shannon's cousins, thus my cousins, thus Rylee's cousins. Their dad Ken (or better known as Chewie - you know like from Star Wars - Shannon was a kid when he started calling him that - it really fits) is Shannon's Uncle - his mother's youngest brother. They are really close in age - thus like brothers......
Back to Homecoming - it was so freaking crowded-OMG! They did however have some Fick-A-La (Ryleeism for Chick-fil-a) and Chicken Express - yum! Grady played so great - except for the BALL THAT HE DROPPED....and they won the first game of the season! Sachel cheered of course, and Maddie got to cheer the 3rd quarter since it was homecoming. Miss Suzanne was so sweet and made the girls little mum pins. I of course have to share my photos.....

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