Saturday, September 20, 2008

Founder's Day Cancelled....

Okay, last Saturday RyRy was scheduled to be in the Red Oak Founder's Day parade with the cheer gym. Yeah- we get to rise early on a Saturday morning. I was planning on taking lot's of pics to share with you. But, after Shannon, RyRy, and I got up at the crack of raining dawn and got ready....I got the text. It said - no parade. Yeah, it's raining, we are up super early, dressed, with nowhere to go. The joy! This is what happens when you leave 2 girlie girls alone, bored with a camera at the sporting goods store:
Not nearly as much fun as the parade, fresh squeezed lemonade, roasted corn, and all the other good stuff at founder's day. Then later as Shannon helped Chewie install the GPS on the boat so they could go fishing.....

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