Thursday, May 29, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

Doesn't it always seem like a 4 day work week last's forever? Ugh...there is excitement at the end of the tunnel though! Tomorrow these fabulous ladies will be coming to a theater near you in their new movie Sex And The City. You probably couldn't tell that I was a fan by the counter at the bottom of my blog...but I am a huge SATC fan! Even Rylee is a fan! Hold's not that bad. We used to watch SATC every night at 10:00 on TBS - the edited version! So - we are both excited about the movie opening - and have plans to see it this weekend. I's rated R - but she's going with me anyway!

So here is an up close look at the work of my 2 new border punches. They were super fun to use, but I totally goofed on the corners. Someone - you know who you are - has been instructed that it is their job to figure it out and teach me!! Ahem...scrappy friends, take a 2nd look at my layout. I know what your thinking....what's wrong with that? It's not her normal 'craptastic' layout. There's not a rhinstone, bling, or anything else in site. Just a nice tasteful pearl brad. I think I was overcome with fever when I created it. Don't worry - it's past, and I am thinking of ways to 'crap' it up as I type. I still have to add the title- but that is better left for the retreat next week. (Sorry Amy....I really am sorry that you can't go - for your sake, but not mine! LOL) It is a layout of Shannon and Rylee having room service in San Antonio. It was the first and only time that she has ever had it. The pictures are printed in a cranberry color - just because I though it would be cool to try. Gotta love!

And finally I will leave you some photos of Rylee's version of body art! See you at the movies - just don't buy the last tickets - because then you may find yourself tackled to the ground and held down by a fabulous pair of shoes while I extract the tickets from your hands. Don't come between me and my Sex And The City.


Amy said...

again - thanks for NOT rubbing it in that i can't go and you can! but - i am glad for you (a teeny bit). HOPEFULLY - there will be a time at some point in my life that i will get to go again! SOMETIME! (anyone out there willing to watch four kids for a weekend?)

paper maddam said...

OMG! Sex and the City is FINALLY here!! Yeah!!!

love the page and I will for sure work with that punch next weekend.