I hope that everyone had a good Easter. Ours was, almost drama free. Shannon did have to replace the battery in my car - which was good for a few tense moments at 9:30 last night. Otherwise - we had a great day! We had chicken fried chicken & chicken fried steak - I loved it for Easter. Better than the usual ham!!! We had an lively Easter Egg hunt in the house while Maddie took a nap! It is hard to be a teenager apparently. Just don't let Grady hide your eggs......he likes to get creative with his hiding spots. To RyRy & Bertha's great delight most of us went to see the Hanna Montana movie. The girls loved that boy in the move, and Grady loved Miley. Bertha cracked me up because she actully wore her ears through the entier movie. I would have taken a picture in the theater - but I am not stupid - I don't want to get beat down by a bunch of little girls for disturbing their movie. Sadly we did not get a chance for our annual family confetti egg fight.....I was readdy with 2 dozen.......maybe a surprise attack is in order.
I am a crazy shoe freak! I love them and could never have too many. I can proudly say that I have instilled my love of shoes in Rylee! An accomplishment in my book. I have been married for 12 years and have one daughter. I am born and raised a Texan, with a brief stop-over in Maui. This blog is a way to communicate with all my friends and family that I don't see on a daily basis.
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