So, after surviving the code red storms
Scrapzilla and I decided to venture out the next day to the local scrap store. We left prepared with verbal directions from our friends, a GPS unit

, and an
Iphone - surely we can find this place. Ugh......maybe not! Let me say that it was cold, windy, and a little damp from the
Tornado Storms from the night before. We ended up on some crazy side street - which was blocked with one of those huge orange & white roadblocks.
Srapzilla was going to turn around - but I am like
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......the street we need is right there....right there like a hop, skip, and a jump. I look at her, and I am like.....'Let's go through the roadblock....we can move it....' and she's like 'Let's take a look and see how far the drop is.....'. It wasn't too bad so we spent a good few long minutes dragging HEAVY SANDBAGS and moving the roadblock before we plowed through. It was so much fun!!!!! We made it to the store...eventually, only to be assaulted by a herd of women salivating over the buckets of glimmer mist. Man.......we were lucky to escape with our lives.
On the way back to our exclusive accommodations we decided to follow the printed out Google/Yahoo directions in hopes that it was shorter and there were less roadblocks. We ended up in the Hagerman Wildlife Reserve.....I am not kidding street signs - let's be real, they weren't even streets at that point - just dirt roads. We attempted to find our way by gaining the assistance of some locals - who obviously have know idea where they are let alone any of the streets or highways we named. We eventually found our way out of the Wildlife preserve at which point as Scrapzilla is driving along the back roads an ENORMOUS white tailed rabbit hurled itself in front of the car....and...wait for it.....Scrapzilla releases the steering wheel and yells...."Jesus take the wheel!!!!!!" I think I wet myself from laughing so hard.....we could not recover from the hysterical laughing that followed. This is a true story.......I swear!!! It was the best road trip EVER!!!!
Seriously laughing out loud at work... People might start asking questions! LOL
Although it is a very funny story - the written word does not do it justice - it is truly one of the funniest stories i have ever heard! anyway - anyone heard back form TLC?
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