The day has come.......a day we have dreaded. It seems like just yesterday he was a little boy running around with
XMen in one hand and Batman in the other. Dressed in his favorite outfit - shorts with penny loafers - no penny needed. Now he is a grown man - an ADULT. Who has graduated from childhood.....off to college.
I am so proud of our (my) Grady. He has turned out much better than I ever expected...
LOL! His high school graduation party was a bittersweet evening. We are proud of him, but also sad that he is going off into the world - without us. But much to his
embarrassment we are all taking him off to college!
still waiting on a close-up of the hair! I guess I'll see it in person soon, though!
I am trying....it is hard when they make fun of you cause you want to be in the pics to show off your hair....LOL
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