So first up was the ACA Nationals. I should mention that facials are big thing in cheer. You know those excited, pouty, smiling looks on their faces that let you know they are having a great time. Our girls, not so good at the facials. They are too busy counting the music! LOL! So we have had a big push at the gym for facials. We had these lovely smiley face signs made up to hold up during the performance. Yeah, I am way too hip to do that. Hello! I talked my new sidekicks H&H into holding them up for me!

See the girl in the pic with RyRy? That is Linds. She can rock out some serious facials. I admit, I was desperate for some facials out of my offspring. I caved.....I offered the BRIBE! $20.00 for facials the entire routine. Deal! So Saturday rolls around and we get a text right before they go on - warm ups went really bad, they dropped all the stunts. Oh No! That is not a good sign. I was so nervous! As they took the mat I was shaking - literally! I thought my legs were going to fall out! The routine starts and right away I notice from the back of the mat, my daughter's head is weaving and she has the biggest freakin' grin of her life! I looked at Shannon and said "Oh hell, there goes my money" They rocked that routine - flawless! RyRy comes off the mat and the first thing she says to me is "Did you see my facials?" and I said "Yes, great job." and she said "I should have held out for $30.00." That's my child! They took home 3rd...and all I have to say about that is ACE bites (I really really dislike that cheer team!) We are leaving Friday for ACS Nationals in OK City. Wish us luck.......crossing my fingers for a 1st place!