Monday, March 30, 2009

'At your age.....'

So I went for my anual Dr. visit last Thursday. Let me first say, I love Dr. M. He is the total opposite of me - he is very calm and collected. If by some chance aliens take over my body and I give birth- I really hope he is around to be calm and collected, as opposed to my hysterics. However, I really think that there was some sort of hidden camera in the office last Thursday, or they were having an office contest to see how many times Dr. M could refer to my 'ADVANCING AGE' in one 20 minute office visit. Every sentence either started with or ended with a reference to what needs to be done at MY AGE! Really? I know....they were playing a round of stupid office pranks/tricks. That has to be the only reason he would torture me about my age for 20 minutes while I was being violated all in the name of 'yearly testing'. You ladies know what I am referring to. I do not need to be reminded of my age - since my lovely daughter so kindly reminded me in my moment of age amnesia of my actual number. Ugh!

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