I hope your Christmas day was as great as ours. First is Christmas morning at our house. We had to wake RyRy up to open her presents....she was out. Actually we have to wake her up every year. Which seems weird to me, becaus as my mother likes to remind me - there was no need to wake me up on Christmas morning - I could have the whole house up at 5:00 am if needed. Then we went back over to the L's house and played games...and some folks (Sachel & Maddie) took like 200 self portraits. See you guys next year!
As you know, I love to mess around with the photo editing software. This is our tree Christmas morning.....but the picture looks all faded like from the olden days....you know the 70's (LOL!). Check out what Santa left RyRy since she was on the Pretty Good list this year. Yes, all the presents wrapped in HSM paper are hers - it was my system this year. I loved it. Yes, I have been told that there are too many presents wrapped in HSM paper....but it's Christmas and we didn't control ourselves very well this year. Maybe next year.....but probably not!
So if you have followed along on this blog you will know that RyRy was under the impression that she was on the Naughty List this year. Well, on Christmas Eve Sachel so kindly checked Santa's list for her and she came up on the Pretty Good list. Oh what a relief! It's a good thing she had already made cookies and a few notes for him before we got home at like 1:15 in the am. Her note was really really sweet. I am sure that Santa loved it, and has put it up somewhere special to have forever...or maybe to scrapbook if Mrs. Claus is into that kind of thing.
So we are full of family traditions, especially around the holidays. Okay...truthfully I don't like to change things up a lot. It's weird. Like last Thanksgiving when we went to Disney World - it was weird. Anyway...our Christmas Eve tradition is to spend it with the Latimer's (Grady, Sachel, Maddie, Monkey Boy, Bertha, Chewie and Rebecca). We have done this since 1993. Historically speaking Christmas Eve has been spent wrapping the 10,000 presents Rebecca has purchased, but not wrapped. This year - we only had to wrap a few on Christmas Eve so that was nice. It left lot's of time for goofing around. I will say that it was a successfull evening as their were no brawls over Polly Pocket dolls and no slapping of anyone (in 15 years, it has been pretty interesting sometimes!).
We had a great evening of playing different games - I terrible game of Taboo which the boys one because they are cheaters. Grady also made what we can refer to as his Christmas Soup......interesting. We opened presents and stayed up until like 1 am, when kids finally realized that Santa was waiting for them to go to sleep to come back to Texas to deliver their stuff. LOL!
RyRy is a freak for some hot chocolate. We discovered like 6 boxes of it in our pantry. Everytime we have gone to the store she has gotten a box. Crazy girl! She really likes it with lot's of marshmellows.
So we had a great time at the Brigdon's family Christmas party. It was nice to see everyone. Cole was hilarious on this motorcycle thing he got. He loved it - I think someone made him get off it, because he did not do it voluntarily.
They had the best cheesecake bites from Sam's - I ate like 6 or 7......so good!
I am a crazy shoe freak! I love them and could never have too many. I can proudly say that I have instilled my love of shoes in Rylee! An accomplishment in my book. I have been married for 12 years and have one daughter. I am born and raised a Texan, with a brief stop-over in Maui. This blog is a way to communicate with all my friends and family that I don't see on a daily basis.